The most popular of Pirandello's comedies, "Six Characters in Search of an Author" tells the tale of six characters whose author has failed to complete their story. Driven to play out the life that is rightfully theirs, these characters interrupt the rehearsal of another Pirandello play and request that they be allowed to live out their lives there, on the stage. Thinking it an interesting theatrical experiment, the manager consents. She soon regrets her decision, however, as the characters refuse to stay within the arbitrary boundaries that she has set for them. Their rebellion against their creator leads them to attack the foundation of the play, ignoring all stage directions and the pleas of the manager until, in the end, tragedy strikes.
Shows: 3 night (7th, 8th and 9th June)
Showtime: 8.30pm
Venue: Main Auditorioum, International Islamic University Malaysia
Tickets: RM 5
For more info contact Aisyah at 013 2171 595