Please tell me that somehow you're sexually assaulted after reading this. Because I do. How could you not be when statements like "keras, kasar and panjang" (hard, rough, long) is written in bold on an ad for male virility. It's practically porn! And since I have to pass by this horrendous banner to-and fro work, I'm practically assaulted twice a day!!
What is it with Malaysian with horribly graphic and blatantly sexual advertisements? It's bad enough that we see these kind of ads plastered everywhere on buidings and street corners but we also have to endure these crass displays on TV too. The worst is probably the coffee advertisement with the genie as the mascot. And the one with M. Rajoli and wife in it. Even thinking about those ads simply make me cringe. Seriously, do Malaysians enjoy these vulgar promotions?
I'm just thanking God that I havent seen any ads for female virility. I shudder at the thought of what euphamisms they may use to describe the female anatomy. brrr...